How to customize the "No matching records found" text

The information provided in this article only applies to Views using the DataTables layout. If you are using another layout, please take a look at this other article instead.

If you'd like to customize the text "No matching records found" when your DataTables table is empty, you could use the plugin hook gravityview/datatables/config/language as follows:

// Replace empty table label, default: "No matching records found"
add_filter( 'gravityview/datatables/config/language', 'my_gv_datatables_labels', 10, 1 );
function my_gv_datatables_labels( $labels ) {
	$labels['emptyTable'] = 'My new label when there are no results.';
	return $labels;

Read here how to add these code samples to your website: Where to put code samples.

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